- A DeepZoom version of digital sections and the GoogleMaps API combine to create a browsable, multi-resolution web based viewer. Visitors can navigate and examine the image at any resolution.
- Thumbnail in the upper left shows the entire section. Move to nasal, foveal, or temporal locations by clicking on the word. Or click anywhere on the thumbnail to move to that location on the larger image.
- Visitors can query a database of annotations, shown in the Annotation sidebar at the left.
- Click on boxes in the Annotation sidebar to toggle markers that indicate feature location on the section.
- Click on words in the Annotation sidebar to see a glossary with references.
- Click on “View Case Report” at the bottom of the page to see an online version of the case report for the eye, which highlights interesting annotations. Â Please be patient, as many of the case reports are large and may take a couple of minutes to load.